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Hundreds of thousands of years ago, primitive humans did not know how to farm or how to domesticate animals to eventually eat. Consequently, they had to roam the land hunting for prey and/or eating whatever non-toxic, nutritious plant life they could randomly come across.

As the eons passed, humans gradually learned how to farm - which allowed humans to stay in one location. Because they were able to stay in one location, they gradually learned to use whatever they could find to construct spaces to keep them warm, dry, and possibly even to protect them from animals that threaten them. These earliest shelters they constructed were made mostly of mud, stones, branches, and grasses. Because most of these things decomposed long before our current times, we cannot know precisely where the first building ever was. However, archaeologist have determined that the first shelters seem to have been built in "Anatolia" - which is the area corresponding to current day country "Turkey"

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Q: What was the first building ever made in the world?
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