It is an oil painting, expressing Picasso's anger at the bombing of the town of Guernica.
It is clearly representational, although not realistic.
His painting commenting on the bombing by German planes of a city during the Spanish Civil War - entitled "Guernica".
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His large painting Guernica, yes. Otherwise his art was not political.
it was blue and rose
It is clearly representational, although not realistic.
His painting commenting on the bombing by German planes of a city during the Spanish Civil War - entitled "Guernica".
Picasso's painting Guernica commemorates the bombing of Guernica in April 1937.The painting was first displayed at the Paris International Expo in July 1937.
The Bombing of the Luftwaffe on Guernica. War. Hope it helped!
Picasso is most known for his artwork. Three important pieces are Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, Guernica, The Weeping Woman
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Guernica measures 11'6" tall by 25'8" long, or 138" by 308".
He painted it in Paris.