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43.5 psi would be nominal. You can go as low as 38 psi and still remain within the ballpark. I run an adjustable fuel pressure regulator running close to 50 psi with stock 24 lb/hr injectors. I am not suggesting you do this using the stock ECM though. I am using MegaSquirt II version 3 for fuel management so I can handle the increased fuel delivery. Shoot for 40-44 psi with the stock ECM. Hope this helps!

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Q: What should fuel pressure be on 1985 corvette TPI?
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Why does my 1991 corvette idles then stalls touch gas stalls?

it could be the tps sensor, map sensor, idle air control vavle, in jection problem, or something simple as a fuel fiter dirty, check the fuel pressure with a fuel pressure guage that you can pick up at any auto parts store

Where is the pressure test port on the fuel on 99 Chevy suburban?

under hood, on fuel rail which is connected to each fuel injector there should be a valve that looks like a tire valve. That is the shrader valve, test fuel pressure there.

What do i check on 1985 grand marquis if turns over but wont start have power to coil but no spark?

i am a land rover master tech,the first thing to do is make shure you have a good battery.test the fuel pressure and if there is no fuel pressure the fuel pump will take out the crank sensor leavig vehicle with no spark. so if you have good fuel pressure and no spark it sound like your crank sensor is bad.common problem. i hope i was able to help you.

Where is the fuel pressure regulater on a 2000 Grand Prix GTP?

it is mounted to the fuel injector rail where the high pressure comes from fuel pump and pressure is at a set psi per engine there is also a vacuum hose that raises the fuel pressure about 8-10 psi when load is applied on motor to give a boost of power

How do you cheack fuel pressure on my 1992 Chrysler lebaron?

The easiest and most accurate way to check the fuel pressure, on your 2001 Chrysler Town and Country is to use a diagnostic tester. The diagnostic tester will tell you the exact fuel pressure at various RPMs.

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What should your 1985 Corvette fuel pressure read while running?

key on 34-39 at idle 24-36

What should the fuel pressure be on a 1987 Corvette?

13-15 psi

What should the fuel pressure be when car is running compared to engine off key on on a 1985 corvette?

34 to 39 psi on 1985-1991 models. The fuel system is under constant pressure (meaning the system pressure must be relieved PRIOR to disconnecting any lines or other parts of the fuel system) therefore, system pressure should change very little, unless there is a leak in the system.

Where is the fuel pump located on a 1985 Chevy Corvette?

I just changed Mine just recently,,1985 corvette fuel pump is in the fuel tank,

Where is the fuel filter location on a 1985 corvette?

The 1985 Chevrolet Corvette fuel filter can be found next to the fuel tank. The fuel filter will be near the front of the fuel tank.

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The pressure should be 44-47 psi on LT1.

Where is the fuel filter on a 1985 Corvette?

next to the fuel pump

The Fuel pressure regulator for a 1991 corvette what does it do?

regulates the fuel pressure.

How do you check 1984 Corvette fuel pump pressure?

With a fuel pressure gauge.

Where is the fuel pump relay on a 1985 Corvette?

The fuel pump relay on a 1985 corvette is mounted on the firewall under the hood on the driver side. Just to the right of the wiper motor.

Corvette fuel pressure for 1984?

The fuel pump operates at 13 PSI.

What is 1984 Corvette fuel pressure?

The fuel pump operates at 13 PSI.