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That's why the country is in the mess it's in. Both parties of Congressmen posses Bar numbers - are attorneys. These folks know the loopholes in the law as most of them create or vote on law and gluttonously capitalize from this knowledge. "We the People" need to level the playing field AND create law stating any person in or elected to office of Congress can not or ever had possesed a law bar number.

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According to the Congressional Research Service 170 members of the House and 60 Senators are lawyers.

Out of a total of 435 U.S. Representatives and 100 Senators (535 total in Congress), lawyers comprise the biggest voting block of one type, making up 43% of Congress. Sixty percent of the U.S. Senate is lawyers.

Enough said. 37.2% of the House of Representatives are lawyers.

There are 81 Republican lawyers in Congress who list "lawyer" as their profession. There are 123 Democrat lawyers in Congress that list "lawyer" as their profession. Some may have not told that they had a law degree or practiced law, because they were doing something else, e.g., doctor, industrialist, teacher, real estate agent/broker, etc. It seems that the medical and real estate professions are also heavily represented in Congress.

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Q: What percentage of US congress members are lawyers?
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