The word acronym is a noun.
An acronym is a type of abbreviation.
YOLO is an acronym for "you only live once". Acronyms are not a part of speech.
NASA (always capitalized) is an acronym for National Aeronautics and Space Administration, which is a noun.
part of speech
What part of speech is thaw
YOLO is an acronym for "you only live once". Acronyms are not a part of speech.
Check this spelling, or is it an acronym or a ditloid
NASA (always capitalized) is an acronym for National Aeronautics and Space Administration, which is a noun.
ASHA is an acronym for the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. ASHA is a professional organization for speech and language researchers, audiologist, speech therapists and related professions.
The figure of speech in the first line is Simile.
PAPA VINCPrepositionAdjectivePronounAdverbVerbInterjectionNounConjunction
RADAR is an acronym for "Radio Detection and Ranging." It is not a figure of speech, but rather a technology used for detecting objects and measuring their distance and speed.
part of speech
The part of speech for this particular word is a noun.
what part of speech is beneath
The part of speech for "answer" is a noun.