None, Gerard Butler was not in Braveheart. His 1st big screen role was in 1997 Mrs. Brown. Although he was an extra on the set of The Bodyguard in 1992, he has said he's not sure if he made it into the film, because it was a crowd scene & he was next to cardboard cutouts of people.
The actor Angus Macfadyen played the part of Robert the Bruce in the movie Braveheart.
because its hollywood. there are loads of things wrong or changed in the film, for example the battle at stirling when the enlish were defeated actually was battle of stirling bridge and the bridge played a major part in tactics used. also never met queen of france etc
William Wallace (AKA "braveheart") was captured by the English king, known as Edward the Long Shanks , tortured and eventually beheaded. I don't know if this next part is true but i have heard that his body was torn to peices his arms and legs sent to the 4 corners of England and his head set on London bridge as a warning to other "traitors". Though he did not live to see it Scotland did win its freedom...for a while at least.
Greek art is very romantic in nature,not romantic as in Gerard Butler, romantic as inIdealized. Beautiful. Fertile (large hips and rounded women),and Serene looking. Greek figures are often young and beautiful,simplified idyllic forms. The paintings utilize someperspective,but are for the most part fairly flat in appearance.Statue Example: Venus De Milo (young, curvaceous, beautiful)
well it depends on the assignment if u have to travel to shoot a movie then yeah you would have to travel to be part of the movie
No he did not. The actor that played the part was Clive Owen, who looks like Gerard Butler.
The actor Angus Macfadyen played the part of Robert the Bruce in the movie Braveheart.
No , he is not part of the 'Spartacus: Blood and Sand ' cast .
Many, many, many people over the years have played the Phantom. There have been lots of different stage productions, in many countries all around the world and each new showing usually has a new person playing him. not to mention a few movies (usually horror movies) that have been released. but the original man to play him on stage was Michael Crawford. Gerard butler took over the role when they turned the musical into a movie in 2004.
Gerry appeared in "Tomorrow Never Dies" (1997) as a seaman. His part was very short (under a minute). You can see it here: -- droyd (
if you are talking about the movie its Michael butler, Dennis shryack, and lane slate.all had a part in writting the movie,
Probably "Braveheart" (1995). Stars and directed by Mel Gibson.
Gerard Way is part Italian.
No, rather than use him the director decided to use Gerard Butler as he had a more "American apple pie" feel.
braveheart yes i agree and i know there are a lot of haters but the HP movies are phenomenal and if u stuck with it all the way youd understand how sad part 2 was
Patrick Wilson who plays Raoul sings the male part of "All I ask of you" with Emmy Rossum as Christine Daae singing the female part. I believe most, if not all the actors sung the part of their characters.