A schlong isn't necessarily required to be a photographer. Some females make excellent photographers too!
You need steady hands and nice angles to be a photographer.
To be a professional photographer, you do not need to study photography.
Photographer's assistants do a variety of tasks, depending on the need and job. They can do anything from grip work, such as adjusting lights and props to getting the photographer coffee. To find a detailed description and personal account of the work of a fashion photographer's assistant visit www.elainemariablog.blogspot.com
No, anyone can be a photographer without a license. I would consider a high school student with a camera who is on the yearbook committee to be a photographer, just not one who gets paid. There are a lot more examples of that, I'm sure. If you expect to open a studio, that could be a different story. Check your city hall licensing office.
A photographer would have to know how to learn how to handle a camera and take good pictures. They would have to know how to get and keep a camera in focus. Photographers would also have to know how to take care of a camera, and keep it safe.
You need steady hands and nice angles to be a photographer.
you need to have schooling to become a photographer because nobody would want to hired you if you dont have no expirence in photography
You need to be able to be able to have steady control over your movements so i would believe at least a Ph.D. from Oxford university
you will need at least a high school diploma. have fun
To be a professional photographer, you do not need to study photography.
you need to be a maureen
Anything, there is no requirement for a certain GPA to be a photographer.
You would need to be able to find the photographer who took the photo - the military did not take the photo - a civilian photographer with permission to conduct their business on-post did.
writing and maths and speech and many more
You would need to take photography classes or have a natural ability when it comes to taking pictures.