No poison dart frog shoots it poison. They ooze if from their skin. The type of poison depends on the species of frog.
amozon ground snakes eat them
In the wild: Dart frogs hunt ants and termites by day amidst the thick brush. Because their prey is so small, they spend a great deal of time foraging, increasing their vulnerability to predation. Their bright colors offer them protection as they forage, warning away predators such as snakes. At the zoo:Pinhead crickets and wingless fruit flies.
I know a group of frogs is called an army. I don't know if there is a specific name for the poisonous kind.
insects and grass The easy answer is they eat bugs, live bugs. In the wild, they eat bugs and beetles that eat poisonous plants. It is these bugs that the frogs are able to extract the alkaloid toxins that they use to make betraxotoxin (spelling may be wrong) (the same toxin found in the liver of blow fish. See blow fish sushi for info) stored in glands on their back. When the frog feels threatened, The frog will present their back with their head down and butt up and secrete poison from the glands. When kept in captivity, controlling the diet of the bugs keep the alkaloid toxin from the frog and the frogs loose their toxicity.They eat plants and bugsIn the wild they eat mostly fire ants. The reason being, these ants are the source of the frog's poison. In captivity, owners can buy them wingless fruit flies and vitamin dust at most pet-stores and feed it to them, although most pet-stores do not supply poison dart frogs. A great place to get one is a private breeder.Dart frogs purely eat and survive off meat. They will eat spiders, ants, termites and insects such as flies. They have few predators because they produce a high toxin level of poison.insectsIt eats small terrestrial invertebrates. Mostly insects like small beetles and other small prey. Also they eat small new born crickets
I don't know if this will help, but fishing spiders are known for eating frogs. I am not sure what kind of frogs they eat. I would do research on the fishing spiders to find out more.
As far as I know there is more than one kind of poison in the different kinds of poison dart frogs, but I do not know for sure. I would research it more.
The golden frog is the most poisonous animal in the world. It is a kind of poison dart frog and has enough poison to kill 20 people.
blue poison dart frog (Dendrobates azureus) yellow and blue poison arrow frog
The poison dart frog of the amazon jungle in Columbia, South America
What kind of shelter does the pioson dart forg have?
The place where poison dart frogs live are called rain forest. This warm, wet weather is what poison dart frogs need. The rain lets the kinds of plants the frogs need to live on grow here. The warm weather keeps the frogs from getting too cold and it also means that there are lots of insects for the poison dart frogs to eat.Tropical places , rain forest , jungles , and swamp
Poison arrow frogs are bilaterally symmetrical.
The cane toad has poisonous glands, and the tadpoles are highly toxic to most animals if ingested. The poison dart frog is also very lethal, Its bright colours serves as a warning signal to enimeies
amozon ground snakes eat them
Yes. It is kind of obvious because of the name.
i know they use huge nets and some kind of dart to shoot at them.
In the wild: Dart frogs hunt ants and termites by day amidst the thick brush. Because their prey is so small, they spend a great deal of time foraging, increasing their vulnerability to predation. Their bright colors offer them protection as they forage, warning away predators such as snakes. At the zoo:Pinhead crickets and wingless fruit flies.