I have one also. A live auction site said $100 to $300. But there is one on Ebay right now with no bids. Maybe shipping is more that the crock is worth. Not sure.
* * One way is to check antique shops and see what they are going for, or check on E-bay to see what this size crock brings.
A single half-gallon blue mason jar by Ball sells for around $17.00. This is providing the jar has no rust stains, hard water marks, chips, or cracks.
Actual value approx $5.00 U.S. It is a very common tourist item sold in Western Europe.
I think your rifle was made by Mossberg, and is a model 45A. These were very good target rifles, amde 1837-38. Value will depend on condition, typically $100-$200, less if missing the rear peep sight.
Not sure about the value however Edgar was my partners grandfather and we would be interestred in purchasing the book for sentimental reasons. What condition is it in ?.
It depends on the era of the pot, who painted the crock, and is it collectible?
In good condition ...no cracks ....about 190.00
A general rule of thumb is that crocks are worth about $10 per gallon wholesale. Rarity will of course increase the value.
It all depends on condition. If its not chipped or cracked and the finish isn't worn you might get $100 for it.
20 gallon redwing crock
The value depends on condition and maker.
50-75 dollars
According to the Red Wing Collectors Society, Your 25 gallon crock with 4 birch leaves would be worth $300.00 to $350.00! If it is in perfect condition!
Depending on the condition, probably $65-$100
The value of a 12 gallon blue ribbon brand crock will vary depending on its condition, age, rarity, and any unique features it may have. It is recommended to research recent sales of similar crocks to get an idea of its current market value.
The price of a stoneware Cascade Water Cooler is ranged around $359.98 in most stores/markets The price of a stoneware Cascade Water Cooler is ranged around $359.98 in most stores/markets