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The only camera Polaroid made in 1950 was the Model 95 Land camera, which originally retailed for $89.75. The company manufactured approximately 900,000 units between 1948 and 1953.

The value of the camera depends largely on its condition. Auction prices range anywhere from $10.00 for one in slightly roughed-up condition to approximately $60.00 for one in excellent condition. Most appear to sell for $20-$35.00.

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14y ago

They're worth very little--maybe $20-40, and that's if they're in good shape. The issue is one of supply and demand. There were close to 300,000 95B cameras manufactured, on top of the nearly 1.5 million Model 95 and 95a's.

The Series-40 roll film these cameras use was discontinued in 1992, so there are many, many of these cameras out there, and there's almost no way to use them. They turn up at yard sales and on eBay all the time. They're well-made and good-looking, but not valuable.

A few people have rigged up ways to convert these cameras for available film (120 format roll film, or Polaroid pack film) but doing so requires pretty major surgery on the camera, and destroys its value as a collectible.

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14y ago

The value of all film cameras has declined now that digital dominates the market and film is hard to find. 1960s Polaroid Swing cameras were mass produced, are plentiful, and currently sell for $1-5, depending on condition. A Swinger in excellent condition with the original box and manual may fetch $20-35, if you're lucky. More than half remain unsold at auction.

The original boxed price was $19.95.

[December 2010]

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14y ago

A collector can pick up a kit for $100-$250, or the camera alone for less than $50, depending on condition.

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The Polaroid 450 Land camera was top of the 400 series line, manufactured from 1971-1974. The 450 came bundled with a new, high-powered flash gun that replaced the old bulb-style flashes with cubes.

This camera is still in demand, and can still be used in good light. Although the flashcubes have been discontinued, making the flash obsolete, there are several sources of fresh film (uses 100/660 pack film), including Polaroid, Fujifilm, and Project Impossible.

[December 2010]

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13y ago

A very lot or nothing because Edwin Land did not develop the Polaroid system until the end of the 1940's and early 1950's so either there was some time travel and then the camera would be worth a lot or it is a fake and the camera is worthless.

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14y ago

Polaroid began manufacturing the first Polaroid (Polaroid 95 Land Camera) in 1948. If you have a 1947 camera, it's a prototype.

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14y ago

The Polaroid Model 95 Land Camera cost $89.75. That was their only camera in 1950.

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