Sunbird and the Peony tree is a limited edition print on silk with 24 K gold. Value of art varies widely but this print and Sanctuary which is a similar print by the same artist Kinuko were listed for $219.
Basically, a peony is a type of flower. I only know that because my little sister watched the movie Barbie Fairytopia and on there the fairy lived in a flower called a peony.
The Jacaranda Tree is primarily an ornamental tree noted for it's beauty. Its wood has no real commercial value.
Peony, Poppy (oriental poppy is a perrenial), Penstemon, Primula, Polyantus, Pelagonium, Pulsatilla...
The National Flower is the Peony
Peonies include both the tree peony and herbaceous peony. Tree peony includes: Chinese tree peony, paeonia rockii, Japanese tree peony and itoh peony. Peony is a deciduous shrub and a woody plant, while herbaceous peony is a tuberous and herbal plant. Tree Peony leaves are wide and the front side is slightly green or green yellow, but herbaceous peony leaves are narrow with both sides being black-green. The flowers of tree peony are are mostly single, while the flowers of herbaceous peony come at the top of branches and are multiple. The flowering periods are different: tree peony flowers early but herbaceous peony flowers late the two plants have a difference in flowering period of about 15 days. Despite the difference in flowering period between tree peony and herbaceous peony, the two types of peony have some similarities in growth habits and flower characteristics as well on one hand, herbaceous peony tolerates both cold and drought, has a strong adaptability, and is widely used in garden when planted together with tree peony, it becomes a cover of the short flowering period of its sister. On the other hand, herbaceous peony has particularities such as highly positioned and diverse stems, huge flowers, dark green leaves, long and straight stems, but it is also an excellent material for fresh cut flowers.
The tree peony or Paeonia suffruticosa originated in China over 1000 years ago.
The phylum of a paeonia plant is Magnoliophyta (also known as Angiospermae), which includes flowering plants.
In the Victorian language of flowers, peony was interpreted as bashfulness or sometimes as shame.
Rodents such as rats, chipmunks, and mice will disperse peony seeds.
Tree peonies are best transplanted in fall or early spring when the plant is dormant.
They are peony, cardinal, tulip tree, and the motto is "The crossroads of America"
The original price of the Sun Bird Framed Etching was $185.00
China does not have an "official" national flower, but the tree peony can be regarded as a national favorite. The tree peony (mudan) received the most votes in a survey conducted in 1994 in every district in China asking people to select a National Flower -- a high honor for the peony in a country that loves flowers.
The peony comes from China.You can buy peony soap.
you have to go to raven wood go to bernie the fire tree talk to him and you'll find the sunbird (and various other things)