That depends on the drawing size, larger size drawings will usually use larger characters.
A 2-dimensional drawing would be comprised of flat shapes: squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, etc. A 3-dimensional drawing would be made of shapes that imply depth: cubes, pyramids, cones, spheres, etc. A scaled drawing is referenced to an "original" drawing or object and is proportionately the same as the original. Scaled drawings allow one to draw the original in a larger or smaller size (scale) without changing how the individual parts of the original relate to each other.
this should be specified on the drawing somewhere or in the title block
size threads per inch fit class
Insert BlocksWhen you insert a block, you create a block reference and specify its location, scale, and rotation.You can specify the scale of a block reference using different X, Y, and Z values. Inserting a block creates an object called a block reference because it references a block definition stored in your current drawing.Insert a Drawing File as a BlockWhen you insert an entire drawing file into another drawing, the drawing information is copied into the block table of the current drawing as a block definition. Subsequent insertions reference the block definition with different position, scale, and rotation settings.
Drawing block diagram of single phase capasitor start motor?
The size you want your drawing to be.
In a title block, you should include the project title, drawing title, drawing number, scale, date of issue, and the name of the drafter or designer. This information helps to provide context and clarity about the drawing.
Edit block or xref
The finished block size of a quilt is the size of the block after it is stitched into the quilt. The block size has to include the seam allowances on all four sides. In other words, a 12 1/2 inch block will become a 12 inch finished block.
That depends on the drawing size, larger size drawings will usually use larger characters.
You can create individual drawing files for use as blocks.Create a New Drawing FileYou have two methods for creating drawing files:Create and save a complete drawing file using SAVE or SAVEAS.Create and save only selected objects from your current drawing to a new drawing using EXPORT or WBLOCK.With either method, you create an ordinary drawing file that can be inserted as a block into any other drawing file. Using WBLOCK is recommended when you need to create several versions of a symbol as separate drawing files, or when you want to create a drawing file without leaving the current drawing.Change the Base Point of Drawings to Be Used as BlocksBy default, the WCS (world coordinate system) origin (0,0,0) is used as the base point for drawing files inserted as blocks. You can change the base point by opening the original drawing and using BASEto specify a different base point for insertion. The next time you insert the block, the new base point is used.Update Changes in the Original DrawingIf you change the original drawing after inserting it, the changes have no effect on the current drawing. If you expect the original drawing to change, and you want the changes to be reflected in the current drawing, you may want to attach it as an external reference instead of inserting it as a block.Use Paper Space Objects in BlocksObjects in paper space are not included when you insert a drawing as a block. To transfer paper space objects to another drawing, make the objects into a block or save them in a separate drawing file, and then insert the block or drawing file into the other drawing.
The "scale" of a drawing is its relation in size to the inspiration. So, for example, if you were drawing a picture of your friend, and it was half the size that she is in real life, the scale would be represented as a ratio of 1:2.
a block plan
A scaled drawing, possibly.
orthographic drawing is a drawing that communicates the shape and size of an object through a series of related two-dimensional views.