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Edward Eric Ernest
A part of the ocean that extends into the land. * Change the vowel. (4letters all CAPS) Start with GOLF
USA Australia Iran Iraq Afganistan England India Uganda Ecuador Ethiopia Argentina Andorra Iceland Algeria Oman Ukraine Armenia Austria Ireland Italy Azerbaijan United Arab Emirates Uruguay Angola Israel Albania Antigua Uzbekistan Estonia Indonesia Ivory Coast East Timor
Some verbs beginning with the vowel 'A':ActAbolishAcceptAbbreviateAccomplishAchieveAttendAssembleAvoidSome verbs beginning with the vowel 'E'ElaborateEditEliminateEmbarkElectEjectEnterErodeSome verbs beginning with the vowel 'I'IlluminateIgnoreImpeachImmunizeImagineImportImproveImpressSome verbs beginning with the vowel 'O'ObserveObsessOpenObtainOffloadObeyOmitSome verbs beginning with the vowel 'U'UnbuttonUnbuckleUnderestimateUnderlineUndoUnite
There is no schwa sound. The A is part of the R sound (umlaut A), the I and the E are short vowel sounds. (ar-ki-tekt)
The schwa vowel sound in "dollar" is an unstressed, neutral sound represented by the symbol ə. It is pronounced as a quick, mid-central vowel sound and is commonly heard in the unstressed syllables of words.
Centring diphthongs glide from a position in the front or back to a more central position. A diphthong is a complex speech sound or glide. It starts with one vowel and changes to another vowel in the same syllable.
If u mean starts with a vowel and ends in a vowel, then Avalanche?
what?.please be reasonable
The country without a vowel in its name is "Kyrgyzstan."
"-algia" doesn't need a combining vowel, because it brings its own -- it starts with a vowel.
Yes, "Kyrgyzstan" is a country name that does not contain a vowel.
Use "a" before a word that starts with a consonant sound, and use "an" before a word that starts with a vowel sound. For example, "a cat" (pronounced as kæt) and "an apple" (pronounced as əˈpl̩). Remember that it is based on the sound, not the actual letter.