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If you are studying the 8th edition of the Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology by Elaine N. , the answer is fibularis longus, found on pg. 211.
Fibularis Longus
fibularis longus

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Q: What is the lateral compartment muscle that plantar flexes and everts the ankle?
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What is caused when there is low tire pressure?

Driving on low tire pressure flexes the tire, causes overheating and can make the tire come off the rim on corners.

Is a plastic car bumper better than one made of metal?

It's personal preference only since federal standards are the same they are equally safe. Metal is preferable if you have a choice since plastic flexes and paint cracks & metal ones can usually be reapaired vs replacement when you have minor damage.

What glue do you use for automotive body repair?

If it's a part that flexes and moves, nothing will repair it. Most polyurethane parts for cars are injection pressure moulded and contain about 5 % mould release agent. This is purposely done so you cannot stick anything to them.

What can you do with a 1995 buick lesabre with the secruity light on and car will not start?

My 92 Lesabre broke the little security wire where it attaches to the ignition switch. Every time you turn the key, it flexes the wire. There was enough slack coming up the column for me to splice/solder back together. I had to take the steering wheel off and remove the steering wheel lock. Be careful with the airbag! You can probably find how to remove everything on this forum. There are two thing that will cause this. One being the chip in the key is no good, or the security/anti-theft computer is no good. Try your spare key firts. If not, tow it to the dealership for the computer as it will need to be flashed and will be costly.

What words with the letter X and Q are used in Scrabble?

exchequer exchequers exequies exequy exquisite exquisitely exquisiteness exquisitenesses hydroxychloroquine hydroxychloroquines iodochlorhydroxyquin * Aqua * Axel * Axis * Axle * Baroque * Barque * Boxer * Cirque * Cloque * Coax * Croquet * Dexter * Diquat * Equator * Exhibit * Hoax * Inquest * Ixia * Jinx * Kumquat * Lynx * Liquid * Masque * Maxi * Nixie * Onyx * Opaque * Oryx * Pixie * Plaque * Quare * Quarte * Quart * Quean * Queen * Quern * Query * Quixotic * Quixotry * Quiz * Rex * Roque * Sphinx * Suq * Toque * Torque * Tranq * Toxic * Toxin * Vixen * Wax * Xis * Zax

Related questions

How does the action of the fibularis longus in humans differ from tha of the fibularis tertius?

Inserts on the dorsum of the fifth metatarsal. When it contracts it dorsiflexes and everts the foot

What muscle flexes and everts the foot?

The tibialis anterior muscle: this long, thick muscle lies against the lateral surface of the tibia, where it is easy to palpate (feel). It dorsiflexes and inverts the foot.

What is the Joint of the gastrocnemius?

It plantar flexes the foot at the ankle and flexes the leg at the knee.

What are the actions of the soleus?

Plantar flexes the foot. (:

What muscle of the legs that plantar flexes foot and flexes legs?

The gastrocnemius, tibialis posterior are the main plantarflexors. However, the flexor digitorium longus and flexor hallicus longus are weak plantarflexors, along with peroneus longus and brevis.

What is the gastronemius muscle?

The gastrocnemius muscle is a large muscle located in the back part of the lower leg, also known as the calf muscle. It plays a key role in activities like walking, running, and jumping.

What muscles plantar flex the ankle but do not flex the knee?

The Gastrocnemius and the Soleus flexes the knee and the foot. The Plantaris is an unimportant muscle. Many people do not have it and doctors tend to use this muscle for tendon graphs.

What is the function of the sartorius muscle?

The sartorius muscle - the longest muscle in the human body - is a long thin muscle that runs down the length of the thigh in the anterior compartment. Its upper portion forms the lateral border of the femoral triangle.

What are the movements of the abdominal muscle?

The rectus abdominis: flexes the trunk, compresses the abdomen and stabilizes the pelvis External oblique:unilaterally: contra lateral rotation and ipsilateral( same side) side bending Bilaterally: flexes the trunk, compresses abdomen, and stabilizes the pelvis Internal oblique: unilaterally, ipsilateral side bending and rotation Bilaterally: flexes trunk, compresses abdomen, and stabilizes the pelvis The transverse abdominis: unilaterally rotates the trunk ipsi laterally Bilaterally: compresses the abdomen

What muscle will flex the hand?

There are several muscles involved in flexing the hand. - Palmaris longus (flexes hand) - Flexor carpi radialis (flexes and abducts hand) - Flexor carpi ulnaris (flexes and adducts hand) - Flexor digitorum superficialis (flexes proximal and middle phalanges, flexes hand) - Flexor digitorum profundus (flexes phalanges and hand) - Flexor pollicis longus (flexes thumb and hand) - Flexor pollicis brevis (flexes thumb) There are also a few more I did not include that flex specific digits of the hand

The main action of the flexor hallicus longus muscle are to?

The main action of the flexor hallucis longus muscle is to flex the big toe and help in plantar flexion of the ankle joint. It also contributes to support the arch of the foot and assists in propulsion during walking and running.

What is a purpose of a joint?

its a joint that flexes