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The esophagus of an earthworm is part of the earthworm's digestive tract, between the pharynx and the crop, and it basically just moves the earthworm's food from the pharynx to the crop. It also helps to keep the food from backing up (making the worm barf/throw up).

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15y ago

Prostomium Some species of earthworms have a tongue-like lobe above the mouth called prostomium. The prostomium is actually a sensory device. Earthworms do not have a nose, eyes, ears, or hands to gather sensory information about their environment. Instead, they depend on their prostomium and sensory receptors in their skin to "feel" their way through the soil. The peristomium is the first segment from the mouth.

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Q: What is the function of esophagus in an earthworm?
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What is the function of the esophagus of an earthworm?

The esophagus of an earthworm is responsible for transporting food from the mouth to the crop and gizzard for digestion. It plays a crucial role in the process of breaking down and digesting organic matter consumed by the earthworm.

Does the esophagus of an earthworm lie beneath the pharynx?

Yes, the esophagus of an earthworm lies beneath the pharynx. The esophagus is the part of the digestive system that connects the pharynx to the crop, where the initial stages of digestion take place in an earthworm.

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What is the function of pharynx in an earthworm?


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The peristaltic movements are muscle contractions and its function on the esophagus is to push food down into the stomach and prevent it from going back into the esophagus.

What is the crop in an earthworm?

The crop is part of the esophagus, and is a storage compartment for food and other things that the worm swallows.