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Not much. Graphic design is the creation communicative material, typically for print but can also for the web, such as logo design, editorial layouts, business card designs, brochure, flyers, and other promotional material, book covers/interiors, album artwork etc.

Fashion design is the design of clothing garments and accessories and can also involve the creation of repeating patterns for printing onto material.

Occasionally the line between the two may blur, for example on typographic t-shirt designs, but generally the two are very different mediums.

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13y ago
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16y ago

With fashion design, you create new designs for clothings. Like, you create new shirts, pants, shorts, dresses, sweaters, etc.

As for Graphic Design, it's like photoshop. EVERYTHING you see all around us that have a design... that is graphic designing. For example, the covers you see on magazines... that's graphic designing. That's the career I wanna do. I would love to be a graphic designer. There's, also Web Design. Web Design is when you're workin' w/ websites. But, that's a little harder because you have to know ALL the HTML codes, etc. I'm thinkin' about doing that too. For Web Design, you, also create websites. If you would like to experience what Web Design is like, you can create a website at You should try it; it's fun. =]

Good luck,

iloveband! =]

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15y ago

Product design is one area, or field, a designer can work in. It is important for products and the packaging to be appealing to the consumer on many levels.

Graphic design and desktop publishing share so many similarities that people often use the terms interchangeably. There's not really anything terribly wrong with that but it is helpful to know and understand how they differ and how some people use and confuse the terms.

Product design is the generation of ideas, concept development, testing and manufacturing or implementation of a physical object or service. Product Designers conceptualize and evaluate ideas, making them tangible through products in a more systematic approach. The role of a product designer encompasses many characteristics of the marketing manager, product manager, industrial designer and design engineer.

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14y ago

Graphic design

-Graphics(pictures)on clothing


- pattern on clothes(flowers, hearts, stars, animals, etc.)

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15y ago

What have you learnt in terms of creative designing on your own in terms of concepts? How keen are you to learn creative arts?

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Q: What is the difference between fashion design and graphic design?
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