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Clip art are generally animated icons or phrases used for entertainment in a project. A picture is usually not animated and is used for more serious matters.

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Q: What is the difference between clip art and picture?
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Related questions

What is the difference between free and paid clip art for Christmas?

There is no real difference between free and paid clip art for Christmas. The only difference is that there is a lot more variety for paid clip art. There are better quality images.

What is the difference between a piece of clip art and an animation?

Clip art is a drawing and an animation is a photograph.

What is the difference between heart clip art and orther art forms?

The difference between heart clip art and other art forms is that clip art is usually 2-D and cartoon-like, while other art forms may attempt realism. You can learn more about art and the various forms at the Wikipedia.

What is it called when you add clip art to a document?

just got to picture and got to clip art

What are the general steps to insert a picture or clip art?

On your toolbar go to Insert>Images>Clip-art

What do you drag to enlarge a clip art picture?

sizing handles on the edge of a picture

What Difference between clip art and word art?

The clip art is pictures and word art is text. They both could be elegant or cartoony, but one is pictures of almost anything and the other id just designed text.

How do you get new clip art?

There are lots of sites that offer clip art. Check out for graphics. You just download the file from the site.

Where can you find Play-Doh clip art?

On the insert bar click on it. There is clip art on there. clip on it. you can either type in what you want or noises. there is no picture for it. just click on it.

How does one upload clip art images to a document?

If using Microsoft Office, the clip art library has a large selection of clip art which can be inserted into a document. To insert into the document, click in the location where the clip art is to be inserted. Go to the Insert Menu, choose Picture and select the Clip Art option. Choose the clip art and then click the insert button. The clip art will then appear in the document.

What is the difference between line art and continuous tone?

line art is like clip art. it is art created only with lines. continuous tone art is art that uses a tonal range such as a photograph.

Does OpenOffice have clip art?

It doesn't have clip-art built in. However it does have the capability of inserting pictures etc into documents. To insert a picture or drawing - click Insert then select Picture - select 'from file'. Locate the picture on your computer and click it. The picture will be inserted into the document at the place where the cursor is. You can re-size the picture using the taps at the edges and corners. Remember to save the document when you're happy with it !