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Hi all.. here is the answer..

Open tolerance:

These are the tolerance which needs only minor concentration from operator and QC. For ex. as per customer drawing, there may be some tolerance which has variation more than + or -1 mm.. this can be easily achieved..

Close Tolerance:

These are very crucial dimension which needs utmost effort and usually tolerances below +or - 1mm shall be considered as close tolerance.

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Q: What is the close and open tolerance in drawing?
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IDK that is why i askedGeneral tolerance refers to all untoleranced dimensions, and should be covered by a note on the drawing, eg tolerance unless noted otherwise plus or minus 0.25 mmSpecific tolerance will be included with the individual dimension, either as dimension limits or dimension plus tolerance.

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No, then it would not be a reference dimension. Reference dimensions by definition have no tolerance.

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YES !!! it is a close tolerance engin . if the timing belt snaps in drive mode the valves will bend .

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