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It is called a crater

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That is called a caldera.

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Q: What is the circular depression around a volcanoes vent called?
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What is a circular depression in ground caused by meteoroids?

a circular depression in the ground caused by a meteoroids is called a crater

What is a circular depression formed by an explosion or a collapse at a volcanic vent?

The rare phenomenon you're talking about is called a calderas.Caldera is the term given to large depressions associated with volcanoes that form when volcanoes explode or collapse into the earth.

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Crators? If that's what you mean by circular depression.

What is a large circular depression formed at the top of a volcano called?


A circular depression that forms when a magma chamber empties and causes the ground to sink?

A circular depression that forms when a magma chamber empties is called a caldera. It is a large volcanic crater made from the collapse of a volcano's mouth.

Underground erosion causes a circular depression what is it called?

A circular depression caused by underground erosion is typically called a sinkhole. Sinkholes can form gradually over time as underground voids or caves collapse, often leading to sudden and unexpected ground subsidence.

What is a steep sided usually circular depression formed by either explosion or collapse at a volcanic vent called?

Volcanic crater.

What is the circular region of a circle?

the distance around a circular region is called circumference

The type of sinkhole that shows a circular depression over longer periods of time is called a?

dissolution sinkhole.

What is a steep wall around a volcanoes vent?

The steep walled depression surrounding a volcano vent is called the crater. In dormant volcanos, these may fill with water and become crater lakes.

Where do volcanoes occur the most?

The most volcanoes occur around the Pacific Ocean, in an area called the Ring of Fire.

The type of sinkhole that shows circular depression over longer periods of time is called a?

The type of sinkhole that shows a circular depression over longer periods of time is called a "cover-collapse sinkhole." This type of sinkhole forms gradually as the ground surface slowly subsides into the underlying void, resulting in a depression that may continue to grow over time.