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25 USD or so

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Q: What is the Value of volcanic 22 starter pistol?
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What kind of ammunition do you put in a EIG volcanic 22 starter pistol?

22 pistols usually take 22 shorts and all starter pistols take blanks.

What is the price range for a volcanic 22 pistol?

4-5 figures

Where can you find blank ammo for a Volcanic 22 Model V22 Made in Italy?

Your pistol is commonly known as a "starter gun"- as in the start of a race. .22 caliber BLANK ammunition can be found at most larger gun shops. Please do not ever attempt to fire anything EXCEPT blanks in your pistol.

Value of an Iver Johnson 8 shoot 22 caliber pistol?

Value of iver johnson 8 shot 22 caliber pistol

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Value of 22 cal hs pistol?

50 or so

What is the value of a buffalo brand 22 pistol?


What is the value of NRA special edition 22 ruger pistol worth?

The value of an NRA Special Edition 22 Ruger pistol actually depends on a couple different things. A couple of these things would be the age and condition of the pistol.

What is the value of a colt 22 semi automatic pistol?

Colt woodsman 22, about $500.

Where do you get blanks for 22 starter pistol?

Gun Shops and if a sporting goods store sells starter pistols they will most likely sell blanks. There are 22 blanks that are used to drive nails into concrete. They come different power levels and should work for blanks in a starter pistol. Any lumber supply should carry them.

What is the value of a derringer 2 shot 22 magnum pistol made by Davis?

What is the value of a Davis Derringer pistol magnum 2 shot?

What is the value of a Browning 1973 U73 22 pistol walnut handles made in Belgian?

The exact value of a Browning 1973 U73 22 pistol made in Belgian is actually dependent on a number of factors. Most importantly, the condition of the pistol.