I got a call back from my local dealer and Intake manifold bolts are 115 in./lbs and rocker arm bolts are 14 ft/lbs then 30 degrees past that. Also good to point out that push rods are long on outside of gasket, short on inside of gasket closest to the head.
The torque for roller rockers should be 25ft lbs. It was perfect for my 3.4l. It ran very smooth and quiet.
The correct torque for the rocker arm bolts is 124 inch pounds plus 30 degrees.....
25ft ponds would bind you up pretty bad I'm surprised the engine turned This is some what correct...... The answer is correct at 124 inch pounds + 30 degrees. As this is done you will end up at about 20 foot pounds. Lets start from the beginning. 124 inch pounds is 10.3 foot pounds, so if you start at 10ft and turn the bolt head a bit less than a quarter turn you will end up at about 20 to 21 foot pounds. I am not saying the torque spec is not important. But the other author said the 25 ft lb will bind the motor up. This is not true. The rocker is a non adjustable pedestal type. So this means tight is tight. If you make some tighter than others it will not change the clearance. These are auto adjusting zero lash rocker and cam and lifters. Tighter or looser only changes the torque spec, nothing else. The factory spec is there for a reason, please use it. 124 inch pounds + 30 degrees.If you only have a ft lb torque wrench the conversion is to divide 124 by 12. You end up with 10.3. As far as turning the bolt 30 dg, think of a clock. Hand on twelve and turn to the two. This is 30 degrees.....
what are the torque specs on a 3.4 s.f.i
100 Ft. lbs.
If you mean engine performance, then it has 240 hp and 280 lbs of torque
All of the torque specifications for vehicles can be found in Haynes Repair Manuals available at most auto parts stores.
All of the torque specifications for vehicles can be found in Haynes Repair Manuals available at most auto parts stores.
need torque specs for 3.4 pontiac grand am intake and rocker arms
The 1997 Pontiac Transport 3400 rocker arm torque specifications are 18 pounds. The rocker arm should be torqued in six pound intervals.
18 ft pounds
20 foot pounds.
what is the torque on 2.2 rocker arms and in what order
what is torque spec for rocker arms on 2004 4.6 landrover discovery
rocker arm torque specs
14 ft pounds plus 30 degrees torque to 14 ft lb then turn 30 degrees more
i'm looking for the torque specs on the rocker arms on a 1999 ford ranger 3.0 v6 the torque is 18-26 lbs
The rocker arm specs for a 3.1 sfi is 18 foot pounds of torque for the rocker arm nut. The nut should be set with a torque wrench as this setting needs to be accurate.
i need rocker arm torque for 3176 cat