Subarticular sclerosis is a radiographic finding commonly seen in degenerative joint diseases such as osteoarthritis. It refers to increased bone density or hardening of the bone just beneath the joint surface. This sclerosis can be a result of chronic stress or inflammation in the joint, leading to changes in the bone structure. Subarticular sclerosis is often seen in X-rays and other imaging studies as a sign of joint degeneration.
Periarticular sclerosis refers to the narrowing of the surrounding a joint.
a rare disease that causes progressive weakness in voluntary muscles such as in the legs, hands, and tongue. PLS is one of the diseases, along with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, that are grouped together as motor neuron diseases.
This seems to be related with Ankylosing spondylitis and for more info on this Go to the related link below
PLS is not fatal, and people with the disorder can usually maintain mobility with the use of canes or other assistance.
The subarticular recesses are located in the lumbar spinal canal. A narrowing of the subarticular recesses is referred to as lateral recess stenosis for which surgery may be required.
A subchondral cyst is a fluid-filled sac under the cartilage.
what is narrowing of the right subarticular zone of the spinal canal
Multiple sclerosis
The opposite of -sclerosis is -malacia.
what is the longterm affects of endplate sclerosis
sclerosis of the liver symptoms
arterio- or athero- are prefixes used with -sclerosis.
Michel Geffard has written: 'Multiple sclerosis' -- subject(s): Multiple sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis
Sclerosis of the calvarium is hardening of the embryonic or fetal skull.