Slant range is the LOS (line of site ) distance between the earth station and the satellite and it is very important in satellite link calculation .For instance to calculate the pathloss slant range would be used.Furthermore slant range is a means to describe the satellite location above the surface of the earth.
For communication satellites the range is much higher than that of communication relay. Communication Satellite can cover up to several thousands of kilometers. For communication relay, the uplink and the downlink frequency is the same. But for communication satellites the uplink and the downlink frequencies are different in order to avoid interference.
satellite is satellite
Why Fresnel zone affecting satellite and ground communication?
A terrestrial system for satellite communication is one that facilitates. This includes the facilitation of audio, data, and any other communication.
Answer: 1.communication satellite 2.navigational satellite satellite 4.millitary satellite 5.scientific satellite 6.satellite launches. It composed of 6 satellites...........i answer can help you.....
For communication satellites the range is much higher than that of communication relay. Communication Satellite can cover up to several thousands of kilometers. For communication relay, the uplink and the downlink frequency is the same. But for communication satellites the uplink and the downlink frequencies are different in order to avoid interference.
satellite is satellite
The satellite transponder typically works in either the C-band (4-8GHz) or the Ku-band (12-18GHz) and these are for the downlink (from the satellite to the earth station).
The first communication satellite was Echo NASA
definition of optical satellite communication
The downlink frequency for communication with satellites to Earth can vary depending on the specific satellite and its communication system. Frequencies typically used for satellite downlink to Earth are in the range of UHF (Ultra High Frequency) to Ka-band. The exact frequency used will depend on factors such as satellite design, mission requirements, and regulations.
Why Fresnel zone affecting satellite and ground communication?
Com = Communication, Sat = Satellite
land satellite sea satellite communication satellite weather satellite and spy satellite
Yes, it is.
A terrestrial system for satellite communication is one that facilitates. This includes the facilitation of audio, data, and any other communication.
Satellite versus Fiber Optics communication1- Fiber optics communication is quicker but satellite is slow in communication.2- Fiber Optics communication higher bandwidth but Satellite Lower Bandwidth.3- In case of any fault we can easily repair Fiber Optics but Satellite can not be repair.4- Fiber Optics initial Cast is low but Satellite is very High.5- Many People want to communication during jogging, driving, sailing and flying these all possible in Satellite Communication But Fiber Optics not use for them.6- Fiber Optics is Very costly for long range communication but Satellite is low for long range communication.ByMuhammad ShaoibUniversity of Management and Technology ,Lahore, Pakistan