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The baby is 14 wks in the womb. The ultrasound came back that the baby has fluid around the heart. No bladder is shown and no stomage what can be next.

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Q: What is fluid around the heart of fetus a sign of?
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Related questions

What are the concerns with fluid around your unborn baby's heart?

Fluid around the fetal heart are a sign of a congenital heart defect. When fluid is found around the fetal heart, it is known as hydrops.

What sign of esophageal atresia may be seen during the mother's prenatal ultrasound examination?

olyhydramnios, which is an excessive amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus, is not always diagnostic but offers a warning sign

Is a heart a sign of hate?

No, a heart is a sign of love.

How do you say broken heart in sign language?

To sign "broken heart" in American Sign Language, you would sign "BROKEN HEART" by crossing your arms over your chest to symbolize a broken heart.

How do you say heart in sign language?

Note: There are many Sign Languages around the world. This answer below refers to American Sign Language. It should be misconstrued to refer to any other Sign Language.There are two ways to sign "heart" in American sign language. Generally speaking both of these are correct for both the "affectual feeling" as well as the physical organ. Essentially they are same conceptual sign, just using different fingers. To do this sign, you trace a "heart" handshape around the area of your heart, utilizing both hands. One version uses the bent middle finger (the other fingers remain pointing outward), and is used more often in performances or when the conotation is something like "she touched my heart." The other is using the index or one-handshape.

What is free fluid in the abdomen called?

Free fluid in the abdomen is typically referred to as ascites. It can be a sign of various medical conditions, such as liver disease, heart failure, or certain types of cancer. Diagnosis and treatment depend on the underlying cause of the fluid buildup.

What is pericholecystic fluid?

Pericholecystic fluid refers to fluid accumulation around the gallbladder. This fluid can be a sign of inflammation or infection in the gallbladder or surrounding tissues. It is often detected through imaging studies such as ultrasound or CT scans and may indicate conditions such as cholecystitis or gallbladder perforation. Treatment depends on the underlying cause and may involve antibiotics, gallbladder removal, or other interventions.

What if your dog is wheezing?

Could be a sign of kennel cough or heart failure. My dog is going through heart failure and he wheezes because of the fluid surrounding his heart and lungs. It would be best to take your dog to the vet to be completely sure.

Heart is beating 168 is that a sign of heart attack?


What is parodysmal nocturnal dyspnea?

Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea is a condition characterized by sudden episodes of severe shortness of breath that occur at night. It is typically associated with heart failure and may be a sign of fluid accumulation in the lungs. Treatment involves managing the underlying heart condition and may include medications to reduce fluid retention.

Is it bad to have to much fluid in mother's womb?

Having too much amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios) can sometimes indicate a problem, such as gestational diabetes, fetal abnormalities, or twin pregnancy complications. It is important to monitor the fluid levels closely and follow up with your healthcare provider for further evaluation and management.

What sign is for the heart?
