myriapodophobia -> fear of millipedes
Chilopodophobia -> fear of centipedes
Along with centipedes, the millipedes belong to the Myriapoda subphylum of Arthropoda.
NO! Millipedes are not dangerous. They are small but have many legs. Centipedes are dangerous, so don't freak out over millipedes. I should know cause millipedes are always in my house so I researched them.
An arthropod with a lot of legs would be a myriapod (subphylum Myriapoda's word origin here meaning exactly that, a lot of legs or feet), like the centipedes and millipedes.
No they are not, they just speed up the decomposers work of ridding the world of dead plants and animals they should slow down decomposition The primary decomposers are Bacteria and Fungi
Yes indeed centipedes and millipedes are arthropods; having the classic arthropod characteristics of segmented bodies, joint appendages, and an exoskeleton. They fall under the myriapod ("many-legs") subphylum below phylum Arthropoda (a separate grouping from the insects).
Yes, some species of centipedes do eat millipedes. Centipedes are known to be carnivorous predators, and they may prey on millipedes as part of their diet.
No, but centipedes can.
If you have ever looked at these creatures, you will notice that millipedes have much shorter legs than centipedes.
Centipedes have one pair of legs to each segment. Millipedes have two.
Sowbugs, millipedes, and centipedes are not actually bugs but they all fall under centipedes
don't you mean where
Grasshoppers and Houseflies have wings and the Centipedes and Millipedes do not.
The subphylum of millipedes and centipedes belong to the subphylum myriapoda. There are over 13,000 species that are terrestrial and they belong to the Animalia kingdom.
scorpions bees Spiders hornets wasps ticks millipedes centipedes
No. Millipedes eat decaying matter while centipedes can eat small insects.
Millipedes have bilateral symmetry, where the body can be divided into two equal halves. Centipedes also have bilateral symmetry.
Along with centipedes, the millipedes belong to the Myriapoda subphylum of Arthropoda.