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myriapodophobia -> fear of millipedes

Chilopodophobia -> fear of centipedes

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Q: What is fear of centipedes and or millipedes called?
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Related questions

Do millipedes harm people?

No, but centipedes can.

Why are millipedes much slower than centipedes?

If you have ever looked at these creatures, you will notice that millipedes have much shorter legs than centipedes.

What is the main difference between millipedes and centipedes?

Centipedes have one pair of legs to each segment. Millipedes have two.

Do centipedes eat millipedes?

Centipedes Dont eat Millipedes. They will just kill them.

What are some examples of centipedes?

Sowbugs, millipedes, and centipedes are not actually bugs but they all fall under centipedes

What do centipedes and millipedes live?

don't you mean where

What are the examples of myriapoda?

Examples of myriapoda include centipedes and millipedes. These arthropods are characterized by having numerous legs and segmented bodies. They play important roles in ecosystems as decomposers and predators.

How do the structural differences in the grasshopper and housefly enable them to exhibit more complex behavior than centipedes and millipedes?

Grasshoppers and Houseflies have wings and the Centipedes and Millipedes do not.

Centipedes and millipedes are part of the subphylum?

The subphylum of millipedes and centipedes belong to the subphylum myriapoda. There are over 13,000 species that are terrestrial and they belong to the Animalia kingdom.

What animals sting?

scorpions bees Spiders hornets wasps ticks millipedes centipedes

Do millipedes eat the same thing centipedes do?

No. Millipedes eat decaying matter while centipedes can eat small insects.

What group of arthropods does millipedes belongs to?

Along with centipedes, the millipedes belong to the Myriapoda subphylum of Arthropoda.