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Also known as Hand chasing. With this method, silver is moved with a small pointed tool and a small mallet. It is much like what you'd do if you used a stick to draw in the sand. Silver is not removed, but designs are drawn in the metal with the tool using a small mallet. This method is also used to produce a textured background in the design.

(from entry for Hand Chasing)

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17y ago

Hand chasing. With this method, silver is moved with a small pointed tool and a small mallet. It is much like what you'd do if you used a stick to draw in the sand. Silver is not removed, but designs are drawn in the metal with the tool using a small mallet. This method is also used to produce a textured background in the design.

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Q: What is chased silver?
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What does chased silver mean?

"Chased silver" refers to a technique where a design is engraved or embossed onto the surface of a piece of silver, creating a textured or patterned effect. This process is often done by hand using specialized tools and requires skill and precision. The resulting chased silver pieces can be highly detailed and decorative.

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A sentence with the word chased?

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What is the homophone for chased?

The homophone for chased is "chaste", meaning pure.

What is chase sterling silver?

Chase Sterling Silver refers to items that are made of sterling silver and bear the maker's mark of the Chase company. Chase was a prominent American manufacturer of silver and silver-plated products in the early to mid-20th century, known for its quality craftsmanship and sleek Art Deco designs. Collectors often seek out Chase Sterling Silver pieces for their historical significance and aesthetic appeal.

How many syllables does chased have?

Chased has 1 syllable.

Who said chase you chase you?

who chased who the bear chaesed the bunny cat the cat chased the mouse and the mouse chased rat the rat chased snake to win a race.

When was Chased by the Dogs created?

Chased by the Dogs was created in 1962.

When was Chased by Dinosaurs created?

Chased by Dinosaurs was created in 2002.

Another word for chased?

Chased is the past tense and past participle of the verb chase:The dog chased the rabbit into the bushes.

What is the duration of Chased by the Dogs?

The duration of Chased by the Dogs is 2.08 hours.

Give 5 examples of nouns with sentence?

boy -- The boy chased the dog dog -- The dog chased the boy. table -- The boy chased the dog around the table. cat -- The cat chased the mouse. flower -- Flowers are nice.