We Should Have Never Lived Like We Were Skyscrapers was created on 2004-10-13.
There are several good websites on skyscrapers and proposed skyscrapers. I don't know the names off hand but if you type "proposed skyscrapers or future skyscrapers" and or just "skyscrapers" in google or yahoo's search engine, you should be able to find what you're looking for. I've seen plenty of info on some of the bigger skyscraper websites with info on buildings not yet built or even under construction. If that doesn't work try " future or proposed NYC skyscrapers".
353 skyscrapers have fallen all over the world.The tallest one and the saddest one collapsed in 9/11.=C
pretty city
They are called skyscrapers.
A metaphor for arrogant could be "a towering mountain that looks down on everything below it."
Futuristic City usually refers to the vision of what major cities will be in the near or distant future. Common conceptions involve flying transportation, towering skyscrapers, and lots of neon lighting.
No. Towering is an adjective, e.g. He was in a towering rage.
It has 22 skyscrapers
There is no standard collective noun for skyscrapers, in which case a noun that suits the situation can function as a collective noun; for example, a landscape of skyscrapers, a cluster of skyscrapers, a glitter of skyscrapers, etc.
3 skyscrapers in philadelphia
39 Skyscrapers.
Stalexport Skyscrapers was created in 1981.
elevators and skyscrapers
Skyscrapers has three syllables.