A house is a mansion, a home, a part of someone.
Dozing off ; Being distracted ; Not paying attention
Cute as a kitten.
A metaphor is a figure of speech in which an implicit comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something in common.
A house is a mansion, a home, a part of someone.
this is not a metaphor because it's not suppose to have like in it. so this is a simile not a metaphor.
house of cards
A metaphor -- any comparison that does not use the word "like" or "as" is a metaphor. Unless you're an actual bird, you're probably welcoming someone into your house, not into your "nest." But you're comparing your house to a nest, hence a metaphor.
His voice thundered through the house.
goulhjb ,mvm,
This one: "The robber broke into my house, but my house alarm saved me, scaring the robber away."
house flared bandits
The house on the border is a metaphor for the liminal space between two worlds or states of being. It represents a boundary where characters must navigate between the familiar and the unknown, confronting challenges and growth. Ultimately, the house symbolizes the complexity of transition and transformation.
People say he was two-faced
a maetaphor using the word mousthe mouse is a house