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Q: What is a Quarter Horse Thoroughbred Cross Called?
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What breed of a horse will you get if you breed a paint - quarter horse with a thoroughbred?

When you cross a quarter horse and a thoroughbred, you will get an appendix quarter horse. The paint may or may not come out in the foal. That is all in the genetics, and I would need more info to tell you that.

What is a Thorter Horse?

I actually made up this breed. It is a cross between a Thoroughbred and a Quarter Horse.

Is there a name for a quarterhorse and thoroughbred mix?

If registered yes, a TB/QH cross is called an Appendix Quarter Horse. They have their own association.

What do you have to breed to get a quarter horse?

A Jennet and a thoroughbred made a quarter horse!!

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What horse can beat a thoroughbred in a quarter mile?

The obvious answer to that would be a Quarter horse.

Is the quarter horse the fastest horse?

The Quarter Horse is the fastest horse in the world for short distances, 1/4 mile, more or less. That's why they are called quarter horses.

How is a Quarter Horse different than a Throughbred?

The Thoroughbred was used in the developement of the Quarter Horse and it is still a big influence in the Quarter Horse industry today. If asked, most people know about the Thoroughbred as the world's fastest breed. But only for long distances. The Quarter Horse is faster than the Thoroughbred for short distances, such as a quarter mile race. Think of the Thoroughbred as a long distance runner as compared to a sprinter, the QH.

Does a horse have a appendix?

The horse DOES NOT have an appendix. The equivalent organ in a horse is the CECUM, which serves as a fermentation vat for fiber in the digestive tract. As in humans, the cecum is part of the large intestine. Unlike the appendix, which is an appendage that can be removed (and is necessarily removed when infected), the cecum is an essential part of the horse's digestive tract.

Is secertariat a quarter horse?

No Secretariat was a Thoroughbred. A much older breed that help to develop the quarter horse.

What is the most popular domesticated horse?

probably either a quarter horse or thoroughbred

Which type of horse is the most fasted at running?

At a quarter mile or less, the Quarter Horse. Above that distance, the Thoroughbred.