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Life expectancy can vary with only 30 percent heart function. Some people can live more than 5 years and some only a year. Quality of life isn't great with a low functioning heart.

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Q: What is Life expectancy with heart function 30 percent?
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I am a TOTAL layman, but after having done extensive research here on line to answer this question about my 77 year old dad, what I've been able to discover is that there IS NO ANSWER... that the life expectancy for a patient with end stage congestive heart failure is completely unique to that particular individual. Their age, level of strength, degree of heart damage and a mulititude of other factors all play a part in the eventuality. The closest that I could find to narrowing this down is that on the high side of the factors, a person might expect as much as five years. On the lowest possible scale of factors, several weeks to months.

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It really depends on what congenital heart defect you are talking about. Your question is tagged in the Spina Bifida category, and as far as I know there is no particular heart defect more common in people with spina bifida than in the general population. The severity and life expectancy of heart defects can range from death immediately upon birth, to totally asymptomatic with a normal life expectancy, so if you want a better explanation, try asking again but please be sure to include the specific type of defect, since there are many.

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