The worst thing I have personally seen happen is that the color is very muted and sometimes bubbly. I would bisque fire it and see what it looks like. I haven't heard of any explosions or serious cracking issues associated with this. If the color is bad after bisque firing, I would try to do a glaze firing. Hopefully the glaze will fully cover the underglaze.
Thats the slogan for The Yellow Pages.
The French Army. I hope thats what you needed!
Thats disgusting.
kakulangan dance is dance which is not complete..thats why it is kulang...
Thats yo dick dood
Seriously? Nothing. What happens when you eat an ant? Thats right. NOTHING
it burns thats it
Um no thats not a good idea.
then thats one hot crab.
What happens? Then you're racist. Heh. That was fun to say. Well.. Have fun you racist. :P THATS what happens. Hater >.>
thats means its vomiting (simply classic)
They settle down and have a nice little family and someday hope to become grandparents.......thats what happens and ask your parents for further information
Thats a pregnancy sign called implantation bleeding
thats what she said they errect jkjk the atoms are changeing
thats what happens
it is when something I dont know happens thats why im on here trying to figer it out
a whole bunch of bull thats what