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heart attack

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Q: What happens when you have a infarct in your heart?
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What is lateral infarct?

wedge shape part across the heart

What is meant by infarct?

that is when a pat dies, the term is most frequently used to describe an area of the heart or brain. An infarct is caused by lack of blood flow (perfusion) or trauma.

What is the area of dead tissue within heart muscle?

Anterior myocardial infarction

What is septal infarct?

It's when the wall between the left and right ventricles of the heart has an infarction.

What is Anteroapical Wall Myocardial?

If your asking about an anteroapical wall myocardial infarct, this refers to a lack of oxygen reaching heart muscle on the front top end of the heart, causing some of it to die. A myocardial infarct is also known as a heart attack, the name just refers to the position of damage.

What does possible anterior infarct on an EKG mean?

They suffered a heart attack and the outcome is death to a portion of the heart tissue from lack of oxygen.

What is septal wall infarct?

It's when the wall between the left and right ventricles of the heart has an infarction.

How do fatty foods one's diet lead to coronary artery disease?

Coronary Heart Disease - is a damage to the heart caused by transporting of extra fats in to the blood vessels and the narrowing of blood vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle. When the heart muscle does not receive oxygen, it dies ( or becomes infarct ). When this happens, heart attack occurs.

What does a right sided posterior infarct do to someone?

Whoever had this has had a heart attack and it is a description of the area of heart muscle that has been damaged i.e. on the right side posterior.

What is medical term for dead myocardial tissue resulting from interrupted blood flow?

The medical term for dead myocardial tissue resulting from interrupted blood flow is myocardial infarction, commonly known as a heart attack.

What is the medical term meaning Area of a tissue that undergoes necrosis following cessation of blood supply?

InfarctionAn infarction is an area of tissue death caused by is called an infarct.

What is the result of brain infarct on human?

When an infarction happens in the brain that is known as a cerebral vascular accident or more commonly known as a stroke.