There is no animal that starts with a j that lives on a farm exept if somone has jackels on its farm.
There really is no particular farm animal that starts with the letter N, unless you go with breeds of animals:Cattle:NguniNeloreNagoriNanyangN'damaNimariNormandeNorwegian RedGoats:Nigerian DwarfNachiNorwegianHorses:National Show HorseNorwegian FjordNew Forest PonyNew KirgizNewfoundland PonyNomaNooitgedacht PonyNoricNordlandNortheasternNorth Swedish HorseSheep:Navajo ChurroNelloreNorfolk HornNorth Country CheviotNorth RonaldsayNorwegian FurSwine:NeijangNingxiangNorwegian LandraceChickens:Naked Neck (Turken)New Hampshire RedTurkeys:Narragansett
No, there is no species of animal starts with X that is found in Alberta.
An animal that name ends in J is hard to find. Animals that name starts with J are jellyfish, jaguar, and jackal.
Yes a farm is a habitat with its own animal life and plants.
Jasmine flowers have a nice smell. They begin with J.
Ewe is a farm animal. It is a female sheep.
Old English SheepdogOx
Goats are a farm animal. Farmers use them to obtain goat's milk.
Er... perhaps the joey, the young of a kangaroo?
Japanese Crested Ibis is extinct
There are farm animals that starts with the letter H. Those animals are called Hen and Horse. (I hoped it helped. That's what I only know.)
Jackal, Jesus Lizard, June Bug
In the United States that could be a jackrabbit, jaguar, jaguarundi or a javelina.