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Q: What famous artist only had one ear?
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Who apart from vincent van gogh had only one ear and was famous?

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He was the only painter. One of his sons, Jean, became a famous film director.

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one famous artist is Fernando Botero

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One such was Andy Warhol.

Know any goat jokes-?

Here is one goat joke for you " What do you call an unemployed goat? Billy Idol."

What is the possessive noun for artist?

The possessive form of the noun artist is artist's.Example: This artist's work will be famous one day.

Why does your microphone only play back through one ear?

Your microphone only plays back through one ear because a microphone is a mono-input. The output is in stereo, so it will come out of only one ear.

Who was the most famous artist of the renaissance?

one of them is Leonardo da vinci

What causes clicking in one ear?

What causes. Clicking. In my left ear only

Which insect in the rain forest has only one ear?

read this awhile back, the mantis only has 1 ear....

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There are two famous Emily Fleming's that are well known. One is a famous doctor. Another is a famous artist, comedian.

How do you write a autobiograph?

I Think You Have To Be Famous In Order To Write One. If You Mean "AutoBiography". If Your Famous For Something Like Being An Author Or An Artist. Ex: If You're An Artist You Have To Describe Your Paintings.