There are several things that can affect the heart rate. Exercise makes your blood pressure/ heart rate to rise because the heart has to pump blood faster. If you get scared or uncomfortable that can affect your heart rate.
The Heart rate can increase if you do a lot of sports. But that for a limited time. Depression, Stress, Pressure and Fatigue can cause the heart rate to get imbalanced. Things like smoking and drinking Alcohol also can destroy lungs and block the passage of blood to the heart causing the heart rate to increase.
-Exercise -Lack of sleep -Temperature -Stress -Emotions (sad, happy...angry..)
The normal heart rate for adult men and women both is between 60-100 beats per minute. However, this rate can vary for athletes, and be normal at a much lower rate. It is also normal for the heart rate to be above 100 during exercise or excitement.The normal heart rate for women is 60-100 beats per minute. There are many factors that influence a heart rate. They include: Activity level Fitness level Air temperature Body position (standing up or lying down, for example) Emotions Body size Medications
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60-100 is the normal heart rate for an adult, but it varies per person. If your heart rate is normally around 90, a heart rate of 60 is going to be abnormally low. Also, many factors can cause a change in your heart rate, such as a change in body temperature, pain, exercise, nervousness, etc.
Tachycardia is a heart rate that exceeds the normal range. A heart rate over 100 beats per minute is generally accepted as tachycardia. Tachycardia can be caused by various factors which often are benign. However, tachycardia can be dangerous depending on the speed and type of rhythm.
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Heart rate can be temporarily disrupted from its equilibrium by factors such as exercise, stress, emotions, caffeine consumption, or certain medications. These factors can either increase or decrease heart rate from its resting state.
The heart rate depends on several factors such as health status, height, weight, genetic factors, etc. But, the average heart rate for children in that age range is between 90-110bpm.
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The type of treatment administered and medication are some of the factors that influence 5 years survival rate of most solid tumors.
Chronotropes increase the human heart rate, sometimes by changing the rhythm of the sinoatrial node. Negative chronotropes decrease the heart rate.
Bunnies reproduce quickly, with a gestation period of about 30 days. Factors that influence their reproductive rate include age, health, nutrition, and environmental conditions.
Yes, on average, women tend to have a higher resting heart rate than men. This is primarily because women's hearts are typically smaller and pump less blood with each beat than men's hearts, leading to a faster heart rate. Other factors such as age, fitness level, and hormone levels can also influence heart rate.
A Yorkie's hair typically grows at a rate of about half an inch per month. Factors that can influence the rate of hair growth in Yorkies include genetics, diet, overall health, and grooming practices.
-Exercise -Lack of sleep -Temperature -Stress -Emotions (sad, happy...angry..)