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Hypertrophy of the ligaments in the vertebral canal of the spinal column can narrow the canal (stenosis) to the point that the spinal cord and/or nerve roots running through the canal are compressed. When the posterior longitudinal ligament in front and ligamentum flavum behind the spinal cord hypertrophy the cord is almost "circumferentially" surrounded and compressed.

Hypertrophy of the ligamentum flavum laterally near the facet joint can also contribute to foraminal narrowing (stenosis) with potential nerve compression (pinching).



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Q: What exactly is Ligamentous Hypertrophy?
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What is eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy?

Ventricular hypertrophy means a thickening of the ventricle walls. This can then be described as eccentric or concentric. Eccentric hypertrophy is where the wall thickens but the ventricle itself dilates therefore the wall is thickened but the ventricular chamber remains the same size. Concentric hypertrophy is where the wall thickens which then makes the internal ventricular chamber smaller.

What is the adjective form of ligament?

There are three adjective forms, which may be applied specifically in medical care. They are ligamental, ligamentary, and ligamentous.

What is the difference between Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Left Ventricular Dysfunction?

LVH (Left Ventricular Hypertrophy) is (anatomical) structural condition and status of the heart, while Left Ventricular Dysfunction is disturbance in physiological functions and status of heart.

How can a heart murmur affect an ECG?

It won't. But in the long term the murmur (depending on which valve is affected) will cause hypertrophy of cardiac muscles for the different ventricles/atria. And the hypertrophy will be detected by the ECG because it will change the cardiac axis. Murmurs are easily heard using a stethoscope so and ECG isn't useful. An ECG monitors the electric impulses of the heart muscle - so better to see heart blocks, infarcts, hypertrophy, AF, SVT etc

Is ligamentum flavum hypertrophy related to psoriatic arthritis?

I have never seen any thing tying them together other then they are both the result of inflammation. However the inflammation in the case of RA starts in cartilage while it seems that in the case of flavium hypertrophy it is the result of scar tissue forming on ligament in the vertebrae.

Related questions

What is facet ligamentous hypertrophy?

Facet hypertrophy is an enlargement of the facet and ligament joint. Nerves in the spine can come under pressure if it increases.

Degenerative facet and ligamentous arthropathy?

The facet joints are located in the spinal canal. Bilateral facet arthropathy is arthritis in the facet joints of the back.

What is Bilateral facet and ligamentous hypertrophy?

Bilateral facet and ligamentous hypertrophy refers to the enlargement or overgrowth of the facet joints and ligaments in the spine. This condition often occurs as a result of degenerative changes in the spine, such as osteoarthritis. It can lead to spinal stenosis and nerve compression, causing symptoms like pain, numbness, and weakness in the back and legs.

What does sub ligamentous mean?

Sub-beneath Ligamentous-to do with ligaments, which join 2 bones to each other. So sub-ligamentous means something that's below a ligament.

What does sub-ligamentous mean?

Sub-beneath Ligamentous-to do with ligaments, which join 2 bones to each other. So sub-ligamentous means something that's below a ligament.

What does ligamentous injury mean?

You tore a ligament.

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How can you use hypertrophy in a sentence?

The hypertrophy of the liver was causing the problem.

What is the icd9 code for right ventricular hypertrophy?

right ventricle hypertrophy

How do you spell hypertrophy?

That is the correct spelling of the term "hypertrophy" (enlarged cells in tissue).

What is the definition of hypertrophy?

excessive use of muscles - Hypertrophy is an increased muscle size

Hypertrophy is defined as?

Hypertrophy is the enlargement of cells, resulting in the enlargement of the organ or tissue to which the cells belong. The left ventricle of the heart is especially vulnerable to hypertrophy.