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There are two carotid arteries that carry blood from the heart to the brain. A widely patent carotid artery is one that open, unobstructed and that allows the free passage of blood through the artery.

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Q: What does widely patent carotid artery mean?
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Related questions

What does grossly patent mean in reference to carotid artery?

it means that you have a gross patent and need a new one

What does the term carotid mean?

Main artery in neck

If the mesenteric artery is patent what does patent mean?

it is wide open

What does it mean that the basilar artery is widely patent?

Basically means that the basilar artery (supplying blood to the brain) is widely open. So it could mean that its normal (arteries should be open!) or referring to the artery being dilated (an aneurysm). Though if this is something you've heard your doctor say referring to yourself I would recommend you just ask them what they meant :)

What does carotid pulse radial pulse and heart monitor mean?

A carotid pulse is the heartbeat measured at the carotid artery site, on the sides of the neck. A radial pulse is the pulse or heartbeat taken at the wrist, where the radius and ulna intersect. A heart monitor is on of many devices that measure cardiac performance.

What does widely patent spinal canal mean?

It's good news -- no spinal stenosis.

What does the carotid pulse mean?

It is the pulse that can be felt when palpating the carotid artery in the neck, to either side of the trachea. Just be careful to not try to feel both arteries at once, or use a massage like motion, as this can decrease the heart rate and may lead to syncope, (fainting).

What does the medical phrase The renal arteries are patent bilaterally and are single mean?

This information means there is only one renal artery per kidney and both of them are open and without any obstructions. Many times there are multiple renal arteries or renal artery branches on each side.

What does widely patent anterior circulation mean?

Widely patent anterior circulation refers to the blood vessels in the front part of the brain being open and allowing blood flow. This is important for ensuring adequate oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the brain tissue. It can be assessed using imaging techniques such as CT angiography or magnetic resonance angiography.

What is patent case mean?

A patent case involves copyrighted or patented material. The word patent can also mean the subject matter is obvious on its face.

Where is the Celtic artery located?

Do you mean the "Celiac artery"? if so, its an artery that originates from the abdominal aorta just below the diaphragm and branches into the left gastric artery and the common hepatic artery and the splenic artery.

What does grossly patent mean?
