SKA is a sketch made by the architect. It is also sometimes referred to as ASK. Sketches are usually assigned a number. ASK's or SKA's become part of the contract documents. They are necessary to describe something in a drawing without having to issue or reissue large sheets. SKS's are sketches made by the structural engineer, SKM's are made by the mechanical engineer, SKE's the by electrical engineer, etc.
There are six abbreviations for architecture. Archit, ARCH, ARC, Arch., Archit, and A are all used in the architecture field.
OKB is related to these words in german: oberkante boden
SS is an abbreviation for slip stitch.
Something of, about or related to architecture.
It created a not too simple yet not too fancy architechture.
arch is the abbreviation of architecture
There are six abbreviations for architecture. Archit, ARCH, ARC, Arch., Archit, and A are all used in the architecture field.
The abbreviation stands for Component Application Architecture
It means go home in Lebanon-ska
The Lakota word ska means white. Example: siteha-ska white tail deer.Other native American languages may have entirely different meanings for the same word.
Tusind tak ska' du ha' in Danish means thank you very much
Streetlight Manifesto is considered "3rd wave ska" or "ska-punk"
In interior or architecture, it would be an abbreviation of: Above Finished Floor Or... if you are not an interior designer and are kinky... it as an abbreviation for a If you do get your kink on... check it out
3rd wave ska is the third wave ska movement that started in the 1980s.
Yes they are considered ska.
SKA Minsk was created in 1975.
SKA Lviv was created in 1949.