Photo means light and ography (pronounced graphe in latin) is drawing or lines. Therefore drawing with light.
It is Photography. Photography comes from 2 greek words Photo is the stem that means "light" and graphein is the verb that means "to write" so literally, photography means writing with light
Digital Photography Director of Photography Data Processing Digital Picture
It means outfit of the day.
what do you mean how much does the pic cost or how much to set up aerial photography business. Well the pic depends on the size you want.
Photo means light and ography (pronounced graphe in latin) is drawing or lines. Therefore drawing with light.
It is Photography. Photography comes from 2 greek words Photo is the stem that means "light" and graphein is the verb that means "to write" so literally, photography means writing with light
"DP" is the abbreviation of "Director of Photography."
Still life photography is the photography of inanimate subject matter (small group of objects)
Do you mean "Greek language"?If yes,photography=Fotografia=Φωτογραφία!
In photography noise means the extra space on the picture that is not needed.
Digital Photography Director of Photography Data Processing Digital Picture
dots per inch, but it's not a term specific to photography
There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".There is no Latin word "journal". But if you mean the Latin word for journal, it is "ephemeris".
of photography
The term "stop" in photography means STOP TAKING PICTURES !! haha :P