Your idle air control valve should not affect your acceleration. As soon as you step on the gas , the idle part of your engine should not be operating. If your car cuts out or stumbles, i would suspect a problem with the TPS ( throttle position sensor.)
Idling is what your car is doing when it is just sitting somewhere running. As soon as you press on the gas it is no longer idling. Your idle speed is the number of RPMs your engine runs at when you are idling.
Idle is when the computer is on, but it is not in use at that time. For example, were you using the computer, then stopped for a period (you made no key depressions or the like), your computer then becomes idle. Just consider it as if it were a car; if you start your car and leave it in park, then your car is idle (its on but not in use). Were u to put your car in drive, it would no longer b idle (the same can be said with a computer if u make a key depression). Hope this helps. == idle== lazy ===
Loud idle? no, not turn over ,yes
What kind of car is it if its a newer model then the idle position sensor if it's a older car with a carburetor the u need to Clean it and set the idle
When the idle goes rough, you must idle the plugs. Else the car plugs roughly.
Rephrase, Idle air control, idle circuit carburetor or
The car was staying idle.
Check your idle, your idle might be too low so it is stalling your car.
When the TPS sensor is disconnected from the car in idle, there would be delayed acceleration.
I let my car idle for 10 minutes.
No, that has nothing to do with idle speed.
what is an ignitor module
That is about your average idle RPM. It depends on what car you have and the age of your car. If it bothers you, i'd recommend going to a place that fixes cars.
Check the idle, crankshaft and camshaft sensors.
Idle speed is not adjustable on this car.
It is very likely there is no way to adjust the idle on your car. If your car is idling low, it's probably a problem somewhere else. Idle is likely controlled by the computer.