Well, honey, "brain kidney home heart" in a rebus simply means "brain in the heart." It's like a cheesy metaphor for being emotionally intelligent or something. So, there you have it, a little brain teaser for your day.
He died of complications of Bright's disease which is a leak in the kidney which is basically a kidney failure.
Home is were your family is. It is were you no you are truly loved by everyone who lives there. Home is were you want to be if your in trouble. Home is were the heart is. :) It is also close to an educational establishment that teaches one to spell correctly so that one does not grow up to be completely illiterate!
They can bring more oxygen into their lungs per breath, meaning less pumps from the heart to give the needed oxygen to body parts. There, a marathoner's heart rate will likely be far less than one who rarely runs, and then does a mile sprint.
Every living person is at risk of a heart attack. Heart failure is the leading cause of death even if it is secondary to another disease like cancer or other life threatening disease. This makes the classification of actual cause of death speculative. If a person only smokes for a year of their life and dies, smoking can be placed as the cause. People who have poor diets, do not exercise, eat too much salt, eat high cholesterol foods, smoke and drink to excess can be classified as high risk to heart disease.
it was left because it was believed to be the souls "home" and do what we know what the brain does
to get back home, a heart, a brain and courage hope this helps
You give the girl a home, the steel man a heart, the scarcrow a brain and the lion a brave potion.
Spiritually, organs have always been the "houses of the soul." For egyptians, the soul was housed in the liver. For the Greeks, it was the brain. Babylonians were the ones who placed the soul in the heart, and it has stayed with us, as evidenced by popular sayings and symbols. (Home is where the heart is, I (heart symbol) whatever, etc.)
Your Heart Will Lead You Home was created in 2000.
A home is where your heart is
Love, as in you use your heart to love someone. Life, as in you use your heart to pump blood through your body. Home, as in home is where the heart is.
No not a chance.
Home Again in My Heart was created on 1985-10-07.
A home is where your heart is
Home sweet Home There's no place like home "Home In" as in getting close to the target.
People use metaphor with the word "heart" every time they say phrases like:- "Oh my God, you have no heart"- "Don't you have a heart?"- "I love you from the bottom of my heart"Metaphors like these are acceptable, and are used mainly as a figure of speech. But the heart is a body organ that has not been scientifically proven to be connected to emotions. There is a phenomenon in the body that may be connected to how the nerves connect to one another from the brain to the heart. When people are hurt mentally, their "hearts" can physically feel a sensation of "void."Phenomenons like that are yet not understood by scientists. If a person receives a bad impression in a tragic moment, usually if a heart attack does occur it is due to a startle to the heart which may deprive oxygen access from lungs, to heart, to brain. That is why people who have received a shock can sometimes have heart attacks and brain strokes.Then there are metaphors like:'Home is where the heart is''Heart of stone that makes things all right'Heart broken'The heart of a lion