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A Spider on a neck indicates one has been in prison.

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Q: What does a spider tattoo on the neck mean?
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What does a tattoo around the whole neck mean?

Depends on what the tattoo is of

What tattoos does pauley perette have?

Her character, Abby Scuito, has a spider web tattoo on her neck and a cross on her back. The spider web on Abby's neck is fake - it's a vinyl transfer

What does Kiro Cullen's tattoo mean?

Yes...... he has a tattoo behind his neck

What does a spider tattoo on the face by the eye mean?

when you get out of prision, you get a spider tattoo to stand for every spider youve killed in prision. Its only for the hardcore thugs. #$thug life$

What does a Chinese tattoo on the back of a woman's neck symbolize?

It can mean anything. It depends on the pattern of the tattoo.

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What does alssya milanos neck tattoo mean?

The tattoo on Alyssa Milano's neck is based on a Buddhist symbol. This symbol can be translated to express unity and deep wisdom.

What is Meaning behind a spider web tattoo on shoulder?

A spider web tattoo can have different meanings to different people. Some examples of a spider web tattoo are, doing time in prison or being a gang member.

Five point star tattoo on your neck what does that mean?

It means that you are lesbian

What kind of tattoo to get on a person's back if they already have a tattoo of a spider and a web?

A spider

What does a tattoo of a bar code on the neck mean?

Having a barcode tattoo on the neck means that you are a product of the society. Being a product of the society does in turn mean that today's society has formed you as a person and made you to what you are today.

What is the tattoo on Eva marcelle neck?

If you mean Eva Marcille, then the tattoo in the back of her neck reads "May my life not be in vain." She mentions it in an interview with Obvious Magazine, July 2009.