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Dear Lord...sometimes a tattoo is just a tattoo. If it's cool and you have researched the artist get it. It doesn't have to "symbolize" anything. Miami and LA Ink have ruined getting tattoos for those us us who just think a cool tat is a cool tat.

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16y ago

a rose on your elbow id suppose

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Q: What does a rose tattoo on the elbow symbolize?
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A spider on the elbow symbolizes that the wearer has killed an enemy. The tattoo of a spider on the elbow can also be a message for enemies to stay away.

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A spider web on the elbow can, in some circles, be a gang affiliated tattoo, with rungs of the spider web correlating to kills the person has committed.

What does a skull inside a rose tattoo symbolize?

A skull inside of a rose tattoo does not have a specific meaning, it can vary from person to person. It does seem that many people get this tattoo as a symbol of love.

What do petals on a rose tattoo symbolize?

The rose is a symbol of the Goddess Aphrodite. The number of petals on a rose are often symbolized in numerology.

What does a bearded fighting fish tattoo symbolize?

There aren't any universal meanings for tattoo symbols. Check out tattoo symbolism here: But remember, sometimes a rose is just a rose. It doesn't mean or symbolize anything!

What tattoos symbolizes eternal beauty?

A symbol for eternal beauty is the rose. You can get a tattoo of a rose to symbolize eternal beauty.

What does a flying coffin tattoo mean?

Check out tattoo symbolism here: But remember, sometimes a rose is just a rose. It doesn't mean or symbolize anything!

What does a fairy tattoo on your upper back mean?

Check out tattoo symbolism here: But remember, sometimes a rose is just a rose. It doesn't mean or symbolize anything!

What does a gang drawing of a rose symbolize?

In the prison culture, tattooing carries specific symbolism. A tattoo of a rose indicates that the bearer came of age in prison.

What does a tattoo of a Robin symbolize?

There aren't any specific or concrete meanings for certain tattoo symbols. For example: A cross to some may be just be a cross. But to others, there's a religious meaning. Check out tattoo symbolism here: But remember, sometimes a rose is just a rose. It doesn't mean or symbolize anything!

When was Rose Tattoo - Rose Tattoo album - created?

Rose Tattoo - Rose Tattoo album - was created in 1980.