It means there is a bulging between the 6th and 7th vertebrae in the neck (cervical part of the spine).
c5 and c6 are vertebrae in the neck arthritis can cause a growth of bone that ends up putting pressure on the nerves passing out of the spinal chord into the body, in this case I think your arms.
a c-6
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there will not be pitfalls,just very big pits!#1,you can forget about getting ANY gas mileage,#2 your ck. engine lite will always stay on now.Spend the $ and buy a used AOD.
C6H12O6 = 12(6)+1(12)+16(6) = 72+12+96 = 180g/mol.carbon: 72/180 = 0.40 = 40%hydrogen: 12/180 = 0.07 = 7%oxygen: 96/180 = 0.53 = 53%
There are ventral extradural impressions noted at c5/c6 and c6/c7 with effacementof ventral aspect of the cervical cord at c5/c6 and c6/c7.
The C6 and C7 vertebrae are the lowest two vertebrae of the cervical (neck) portion of your spine. The C7 can typically be identified by feeling the spinous process (a bony protrudance) of C7 at the base of your neck where it intersects with your back and shoulders. The C6 vertebrae would be directly above it.
A herniated disc
That means there is a bulging disc that is impinging on the central canal (spinal cord) between the vertebral bodies at the C6-C7 levels, which may or may not be symptomatic.
The C5, C6, and C7 refer to cervical vertebrae in the human spine, which are located in the neck region. Specifically, C5 is the 5th cervical vertebra, C6 is the 6th, and C7 is the 7th. These vertebrae provide support and mobility for the neck and are crucial for various nerve functions in the upper body.
Signal loss and volume loss in the c4-c5 and c6-c7 discs on an MRI report typically indicate degenerative changes or disc degeneration. Reparative endplate enhancement at c7 suggests a healing response to injury or inflammation. The presence of these findings may contribute to symptoms such as neck pain, stiffness, or decreased range of motion.
what is a payout for having surgery and fusing c4,c5,c6,c7 and having permanant damage to right index finger.
C6 is the sixth generation(or body style) and z06 is just a package available on the c5, c6 and c7 corvette. Z06 is also wider, body panels are not the same!
The C6 nerve root gives rise to the musculocutaneous nerve, which innervates the muscles in the arm such as the biceps. The C7 nerve root gives rise to the median nerve, which innervates muscles in the forearm and hand as well as provides sensation to the palm and fingers.
Vertebral artery passes through transverse formamina of C1-C6!
Significant intervertebral disc space signal loss at C6-C7 is a nerve impingement which may be painful or cause loss of feeling. A minor diffuse disc bulge is a minor bulge of the affected disc.
Vertebral artery passes through transverse formamina of C1-C6!