Tenant or renter if there is no lease. Lessee if there is a lease.
Flat house rents are government affiliated rents that allows people with lower income to be able to rent a home with assistance. In order to have a flat house rent, one must be at least 18 years of age.
The person who does the ceiling of a house is commonly referred to as a "ceiling installer" or a "ceiling contractor." They are responsible for installing, repairing, or renovating ceilings in residential or commercial buildings.
We call such people architects.
You need to consult with an experienced real estate agent in your area who can do some research and tell you the market rate for rents in your area.You need to consult with an experienced real estate agent in your area who can do some research and tell you the market rate for rents in your area.You need to consult with an experienced real estate agent in your area who can do some research and tell you the market rate for rents in your area.You need to consult with an experienced real estate agent in your area who can do some research and tell you the market rate for rents in your area.
call the police and tell theam there is a person doing tattoos in there house with out a license
A person who rents an apartment is commonly referred to as a tenant or a renter.
A renter.... i'm pretty sure thats it...there may be another name for it....
Attend the funeral and then assist the heirs in cleaning out the house so that it can be rented to the next tenant.
A person who owns buildings and rents them
Ask the Realtor selling the house
A tenant.
A sharecropper is a person who rents land, farms it, and pays the landowner with crops.
A "lodger" on a census form refers to a person who rents a room in someone else's house or apartment.
A landlord.
A landlord is a person who owns one or more houses and/or apartments and rents them out to other people. If you are renting a house or an apartment rather than buying it, the person you pay your rent to is the landlord.