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Q: What do most 11-12 year olds do?
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The most addicting virtual world for 6-9 year olds?

Pandanda and Poptropica and Sparkcity are best for 6-9 year olds.

What country has the most 100 year olds?

I think Japan

Can 11-year-olds legally obtain employment opportunities"?

No, 11-year-olds cannot legally obtain employment opportunities in most places.

How often do 3-year-olds use strollers?

Most 3-year-olds use strollers occasionally, depending on the situation and their level of independence.

What are the emancipation laws for a pregnant sixteen year olds?

They are the same for any other sixteen year old. Most states will allow sixteen year olds to request emancipation.

Is it harder for someone who is 16 to raise a child than someone who is 30?

Yes. Most 16 year olds can not get a job to financially support the child. Most 30 year olds can get a job. In addition, most 30 year olds are more mature and less likely to make the mistakes of a teenager.

Can 2 year olds ride on a school bus?

most likey not

Do most 8 year olds read on their own everyday?


Can most 2-year-olds count to 10?

Most 2-year-olds are not able to count to 10. At this age, children are still developing their cognitive skills and may not have the ability to count accurately.

Is Good Luck Charlie appropriate for 8 year olds?

Apart from the kissing and lies that are present in the show, it is, for the most part, appropriate for eight year-olds and most parents wouldn't have a problem with it. I would say it is appropriate for most mature 8 year olds. One of the newer episodes is a swearing one but they never say the word.

What places in canada british coloumbia surrey hire 14 year olds?

Most places in Canada British Coloumbia are not willing to hire 14 year olds.

Why cant eight year olds vote?

Most eight year olds cannot vote because they are to young to understand politics etc.. completely -Adrienne<33