Millipedes are scavengers which feed on decaying plant matter such as leaves, fruits and vegetables, and damp or decaying wood particles.
Feed dark leafy greens, pieces of apple or potato. Since they are scavengers, millipedes may wait until the food has begun to rot a bit before eating it, so don't be too hasty to clean out uneaten food. Remove really rotted food, replacing it with fresh foods every couple of days. They are herbivores. Most species live in and eat decaying plant matter.
Millipedes eat dead food because it has a lot of nutrients in it.
Hedgehogs, scorpions, small birds, mongoose, and a host of other critters eat millipedes. They have many natural predators in the wild.
Yes indeed
NO! Millipedes are not dangerous. They are small but have many legs. Centipedes are dangerous, so don't freak out over millipedes. I should know cause millipedes are always in my house so I researched them.
Millipedes are not known to live underwater. The natural habitat for a millipede is in gardens, greenhouses, forest, or any other place where dead plant matter is available to eat.
Yes, apparently they DO eat leaves, my millipedes eat rotten ones though!
Millipedes eat dead food because it has a lot of nutrients in it.
Yes, some species of centipedes do eat millipedes. Centipedes are known to be carnivorous predators, and they may prey on millipedes as part of their diet.
Assuming that the millipedes are not toxic or venomous; yes mice can eat millipedes and other bugs of that sort.
Pill Millipedes eat their food off the forest floor during autumn. They eat decayed leaves.
none none
No. Millipedes eat decaying matter while centipedes can eat small insects.
Yes snakes do eat millipedes, especially vipers. They love to feast on millipedes as they are comprehensively further up in the food chain. Also, vipers specifically enjoy feasting on Mitch's Millipedes...
Meerkats eat millipedes.
NO. not at all