Rebecca Fuller Carter was A pioneer woman, hers was the first permanent white family to settle in Cleveland, Ohio. She saw Cleveland grow from 7 people in a wilderness to 500 people in 1825 before the opening of the Ohio Canal. Her home was the center of community activity -- a trading post, school, church, jail, and general meeting place.
Yes, Fuller Potter's paintings can be purchased; go to
It is Jimmy Carter ( the second one)!!!
Rebecca Cummings is a Real Estate Agent in Taylortown, US.
Fuller's earth derived its name from the ancient practice of using earth to clean wool--a process known as "fulling."
Solomon Carter Fuller was born in 1872.
Calvin Souther Fuller died on 1994-10-28.
Rebecca carter she's a pornstar
Maddie Carter's birth name is Madeleine Rebecca Carter.
Solomon Carter Fuller, Jr. invented photomicrograph. This is the process of taking photographs of forensic and pathology slides through the lens of a microscope.
Carlene Carter's birth name is Rebecca Carlene Smith.
The cast of They Mean a Lot to Me - 2009 includes: Kellie Carter as Penny Rebecca Crowther as Rebecca Kathryn Worth as Jenny
The cast of The Taxi - 2002 includes: Rebecca Fuller as Becky Jonathan Reason as Taxi Driver
Margaret Fuller's parents were Timothy Fuller and Margaret Crane Fuller.
The cast of Planting Seeds - 2008 includes: Marian Carter as Old Ethel Rebecca Luna as Young Ethel
Cobly Carter, Cody Fuller, Silas Gonzalez, Garrett Killebrew, Dwight Daniels, Matthew Dickerson, Tyler Sherrod, Dylan King, and Eli Ess
Anthony Fuller's birth name is Anthony Blair Fuller.