Magnolia is generally one of the off-white colours leaning toward a pink or purpley-pink.
red green
yellow and blue
Mix Red and White to get pink. Mix Red and Yellow to get Orange.
Some colors that begin with M and end with A are magenta and magnolia.
what mixture to get a color magnolia paint
no colours mix together to make white
two primary colors
No, you cannot mix secondary colors (orange, green, purple) to make primary colors (red, blue, yellow). Primary colors are fundamental and cannot be created by mixing other colors.
Red and yellow mix to make orange.
You can mix blue and yellow to make green.
Just mix a bunch of colors and every time you mix three different colors together they'll make a grayish brown color
To get black, you can mix the colors red, yellow, and blue. You can also mix cyan, magenta, and yellow to make black.
The sun is all colors, it is white.
Red, blue and green make yellow
the 3 colors of light make......white