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A bad head gasket or a cracked head(s).

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Q: What causes the Coolant to bubble?
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What causes a sweet smell in a 99 Mitsubishi montero sport?

Might be a leaky heater core, the anti freeze in the coolant has a sweet smell/taste.

What is the code of the SpongeBob SquarePants atlantis bus rush?

One code is BUBBLE

Your 1996 Nissan maxima is overheating occasionally what should you do?

Overheating is due to, well, the coolant in the cooling system getting too hot. In a normally operating engine, this should never be a problem. First, check that the coolant level is correct. If it is correct, I would suspect a problem with the thermostat. When the engine is cold, the thermostat closes off coolant flow through the engine until the coolant reaches a pre-determined temperature. When that temperature is reached, the thermostat opens to allow the coolant to circulate at that exact temperature. Thermostats are known for failing and either not opening or not opening enough at that pre-determined temperature. This causes coolant to get trapped too long in the engine coolant chambers, heating it beyond limits, causing the engine temperature to increase and possibly overheat. If my Maxima was overheating, I would check the coolant levels and then possibly replace the thermostat. It usually is no more complicated than that.

What causes a block heater open circuit?

The heating element probably burned out causing the open circuit. The element needs to be submerged in coolant completely, all the time that it is plugged in.

What is more valid The Bubble Model or The Primordial Soup Model?

The Bubble Model.

Related questions

What causes coolant to bubble?

A bad head gasket or a cracked head(s).

What causes soda to bubble when poured on ice?

The same thing that causes soda to bubble when it is poured on almost anything.

Where is the coolant cap on 1.8t volkswagen jetta?

There is no coolant cap. You add through the expansion chamber (opaque bubble to the left of motor.)

What causes low coolant light to come on?

Low coolant level.

What causes the low coolant light to go on?

when u have low coolant

What causes a gurgling sound from car heater when cold?

The coolant level may be just a little low and you're getting air bubbles through the coolant that circulates into the heater core. It doesn't cause any problem and can make that noise even if there IS enough coolant. Sometimes, even when the coolant level is up, an air bubble can get caught in an engine and when it makes noise it can cause concern, but it won't damage anything.

What causes overheating when the radiator and thermostat and fan and water pump ok?

Might be a head gasket issue or cracked head but if so it will usually bubble back into the coolant overflow when you shut it off, or coolant in the oil when you do an oil change. If it is an electric fan setup it may only be working some of the time.

What cause engine to run hot on a PT cruiser?

Normal causes are low coolant and an inoperative radiator fan.Normal causes are low coolant and an inoperative radiator fan.

Should coolant bubble over if you run your engine without the radiator cap on?

yes, it would

Why does Coolant bubble in reservoir on 91 Nissan 2.4?

There is air in the system, probably from a head gasket leak

What are the most common causes of the Low Coolant light on a 2002 Chevy Silverado?

Low coolant

What causes coolant light to stay on on a 2002 buick century?

Low coolant? Bad sensor?